Get Request Withdraw By Ext Id


The endpoint and http method information used to query the status of the withdrawal transaction according to the given transaction ID are given below.

POST /v1/TransactionData/GetRequestWithdrawByExtId

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory Description
ext_transaction_id string Yes Transaction ID

Response Params

Params Type Description
status int Statıs
code string Code
message string Message
payload object Payload
results object Results
id string ID
tenant_id string Tenant ID
wallet_id string Wallet ID
wallet_number string Wallet Number
tx_correlation_id int Correlation ID
ext_transaction_id string Transaction ID
account_type int Account Type
account_id string Account Id
account_number string Account Number
bank_id string Bank ID
bank_name string Bank Name
account_saved_bank_id string Account Saved Bank Id
is_account_owner_bank boolean Is Account Owner Bank
name string Name
account_holder_name string Account Holder Name
iban string IBAN
bank_account_no string Bank Account No
swift_code string Swift Code
branch_code string Branch Code
base_amount decimal Base Amount
currency string Currency
description string Description
process_level_status int Transaction Status Id (0: Pending Transactions, 1: Completed Transactions, 2: Rejected Transactions, 3: Failed Transactions)
receiver_national_id string Receiver National ID
bank_response_json string Bank Response JSON
created_date_utc string Created Date
updated_date_utc string Update Date


  "ext_transaction_id": "21fb407d-f998-454c-a427-0017f1ca7b3b"


    "status": 0,
    "code": "100",
    "message": "İşlem Başarılı",
    "payload": {
                "id": "51245474865865865",
                "tenant_id": "5476587698967865754643",
                "wallet_id": "21521554754765858665",
                "wallet_number": "421521521521",
                "tx_correlation_id": 43643643643643643643643,
                "ext_transaction_id": "54hn4537d-h48135159-454c-l329-0017g7kb7b35",
                "account_type": 1,
                "account_id": "512521521521521654754",
                "account_number": "643643743743743743",
                "bank_id": null,
                "bank_name": null,
                "account_saved_bank_id": null,
                "is_account_owner_bank": false,
                "name": null,
                "account_holder_name": "BURAK YILMAZ",
                "iban": "TR220006221935787735797651",
                "bank_account_no": null,
                "swift_code": "",
                "branch_code": null,
                "base_amount": 720.0000,
                "currency": "TRY",
                "description": "individual Payment",
                "process_level_status": 1,
                "receiver_national_id": "96478512697",
                "bank_response_json": "{\"Version\":null,\"StatusCode\":200,\"Message\":\"POST Request successful.\",\"ResponseException\":null,\"Result\":true}",
                "created_date_utc": "2022-11-09T11:18:56.0862274+03:00",
                "updated_date_utc": "2022-11-09T11:30:15.0409009+03:00"