Get All


The relevant endpoint and http method information, where the IBANs are listed for uploading money to the business account, are given below.

POST /v1/TenantBank/GetAll

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory Description
page_size int No Page Size
page_index int No Page Index
order_column string Yes Order Column
order_by string No Order By
start_date string No Start Date
end_date string No End Date
is_active bool No Is the Bank Account Active ?

Response Params

Params Type Description
status int Status
code string Code
message string Message
payload object Payload
results object Results
id string Id
bank_name string Bank Name
bank_code string Bank Code
tenant_id string Tenant Id
bank_id string Bank Id
curency_code string Currency Code
name string Name
account_holder_name string Account Holder Name
iban string IBAN Number
logo_url string Bank Logo URL
account_no string Account Number
swift_code string Swift Code
branch_code string Branch Code
is_active bool Account Is Active ?
created_date_utc string Created Date
updated_date_utc string Update Date
is_deleted bool Account Is Deleted ?
is_available_for_topup bool Is Available For Topup ?
is_available_for_withdraw bool Is Available For Withdraw ?
ext_api_bank_code string Bank Code API
tenant_bank_code string Tenant Bank Code
page_index int Page Index
last_row_index int Last Row Index
page_count int Page Count
page_size int Page Size
row_count int Row Count
order_column string Order Column
order_by string Order By


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  //"end_date": "2023-07-10T06:54:26.808Z"


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